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The Team

Our working group help organise the games, without them this wouldn't be possible!


Left - Stu is currently a Paramedic with WAST, and is LJMU Alumni. He, alongside Jen, came up with the concept of the Paramedic Games. He got the original concept off the ground, started this website and designed all of the game's branding. He plays a key role in promoting the games and keeping the vision on track. He is instrumental in writing the rulebook, promoting affiliations and maintaining professionalism. His hobbies include collecting bags for life and answering emails.


Centre - Jen is a Senior Lecturer and Qualified Paramedic here at LJMU. With that, she brings some much-needed experience and knowledge. When not teaching students or marking assignments, Jen takes care of pretty much all of the university side of the games. From booking rooms and kit, setting up meetings and filling out risk assessments, to designing our scenarios. Jen gained experience in Paramedic competitions when working with the London Ambulance Service, and from this experience, the concept of a student competition was born.

Jen also keeps her skills up to date by taking the occasional shift on an NWAS ambulance.


Right- probably the best-looking member of the team, and also the only one to write his own bio. Mitch is a Newly Qualified Paramedic with NWAS, and LJMU Alumni. He joined the team early in the development phase, realising just how good of an idea the concept was. Mitch has various roles that include photography/videography, running social media, event planning, designing the rules and planning the timetable for the days of the event. 

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The Wider Team

Alongside the 3 founding members of The Paramedic Games, we also have multiple students ranging from 1st to 3rd year who contribute to the games. 

Lottie - Lottie provides a valuable skillset similar in organisation and planning, and also brings her Dad along each year.

Lottie's Dad (not pictured) - Lottie's Dad as we call him, real name Chris, is a whizz when it comes to all things drones. He uses his skills to assist Mitch with videography and also provides valuable input. Unfortunately he is not able to be at the Games this year.

Niaomi - An amazing patient when it comes to maternity scenarios, Niaomi also helps run the games!

Rebecca - Provides us with a garage, props and also brings her own workforce (her children) to help make the games as realistic as possible. Last year they contributed several highly rated props. 

Olli - Olli is the networker, photographer and editor. You will find his photos dotted all about this website! He is also the North West College of Paramedics Student Rep, and hopes to use his connection to maximise exposure of the competition in the coming years! 


We are also excited to announce the addition of Ffi and Molly.

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